FUMA 2003

The 2nd annual expert seminar FORUM URBES MEDII AEVI was held on April 16, 2003 at the Technical Museum in Brno and it was devoted to the non-masonry dwelling architecture in early towns of Central Europe and its relation to the masonry housing.

Information on the recently issued proceedings volume of the second seminar …

Papers presented:

Wolfgang Schwabenicky: Pit dwellings and aboveground houses at the deserted mining town of Bleiberg near Frankenberg in Saxony

Uwe Richter: Medieval pit dwellings in Freiberg and surroundings

Frank Löbbecke: High medieval timber and stone buildings in southwest German towns

András Végh: Archaeological investigations of timber houses of the medieval Buda

Zoltán Karpáti: Manorial Buildings in the area of Buda

Oldřich Kotyza - Pavel Vařeka: High medieval sunken constructions at Dómský vrch (Dome Hill) in Litoměřice

Marek Kiecoń - Michal Zezula: Wood and earth houses in Opava during the Middle Ages (present state of research)

David Merta - Marek Peška - Rudolf Procházka - Dana Zapletalová - Antonín Zůbek: Wood and earth building development in Brno during the 13th –14th centuries

Kovácz Eszter: Archaeological excavation of a timber building in the medieval suburb of Buda

Vojtěch Kašpar: Wood, earth, stone and mortar – changes of building development at the Prague New Town (continuity and discontinuity)

Ladislav Kaiser - Petr Kočár: Detaillierte Untersuchung verbrannter holzlehmiger Häuser (Objekt 35 in Starý Plzenec).

Jiří Sigl: On the problem of sunken dwellings in Staré Mýto – sum of knowledge

Radek Bláha: Pit houses in Hradec Králové. Present state of knowledge.

Petr Hrubý: Wood and earth constructions in Jihlava in the 13th century

Peter Kováčik - Rudolf Procházka: Timber buildings in Uherské Hradiště during the 13th – 14th centuries

Petr Juřina: Pre-locational houses in the Klimentská Street at the Prague New Town

Záhadný skrčenec z Morendy (Brno, ulice Polní)

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