Archaia Brno z. ú.
ARCHAIA Brno z.ú. is a Czech non-state and non-profit organization with the legal statute of a public benefit company. Its object is the protection, rescue, documentation and research of archaeological, architectural and another historical monuments as well as the education, schooling and popularisation on the field of archaeology and preservation of historical monuments.
The activity of our company is focused on rescue and advance archaeological excavations and building-historical research on the territory of historical cores and suburbs of Moravian towns and townships, above all Brno and Jihlava, and the evaluation of results. We try to present the excavation outcomes to the professional as well as amateur public, and to use them also for the needs of preservation of historical monuments.
Department Jihlava, Židovská 26, 586 01 Jihlava,
Hrad Hluboký
20. 02. 2025 Miroslav Dejmal zobrazit