FUMA 2005

The 4th annual expert seminar FORUM URBES MEDII AEVI devoted to “the problem of street network and plot pattern in high medieval towns of Central Europe (12th – 14th centuries)” was held on April 20-22, 2005 at the Technical Museum in Brno.

Information for the contributors to the proceedings volumes FUMA …
Annotations of presented papers …
List of participants …

The conference program in PDF format to download …

Papers presented:

Rudolf Procházka: Plot allotment in the foundation and development process of early and communal towns

Jens Beutmann: On the development of street network and plots in medieval Zwickau

Thomas Küntzel: “12 rods long, 16 rods wide? – Considerations about the plot pattern of Dammstadt, Hildesheim.”

Frank Löbbecke (paper presented by Richard Němec) Courtyards of Freiburg – Archaeological contribution to the high medieval urban structure in southwest Germany on the example of Freiburg im Breisgau

Peter Baxa – Viktor Ferus: Stabilisation of the urban structure of Bratislava in the second half of the 13th century

Ivan Staník – Jaroslava Žuffová – Jozef Urmínsky: Street network and plot pattern in Trnava during the town’s foundation

András Végh: Plots and the systém of plots in a new 13th century town – The example of Buda.

Károly Magyar: Plots and Fortifications - Some Observations Based on Examples from Mediaeval Buda.

Pavel Borský - David Merta – Marek Peška – Antonín Zůbek: Jakubské náměstí (Jacob Square) – centre of German location in Brno

Marek Kiecoň – František Kolář – Michal Zezula: Street network and plot pattern in locational towns on the Moravian-Silesian border in the light of archaeological knowledge

Petr Hrubý: Appearance and changes of building pattern in Jihlava and Pelhřimov during the 13th century

Lenka Martínková: Spatial development and occupation of Pelhřimov until the terminal 14th century

Radek Bláha - Jiří Sigl: Changes of street network and plot pattern during the High Middle Ages in Hradec Králové and Chrudim

Ladislav Kaiser – Petr Kočár – Radek Široký: One of the streets of medieval Plzeň (Pilsen) in the light of archaeological excavations

Vojtěch Kašpar: From long to shorter, from small to larger or the way there and back again (Plot development on the territory of the Prague New Town)

Petr Juřina: The largest archaeological excavation after the second campaign (preliminary report on the results of an advance excavation in the area of former military barracks in the Náměstí Republiky – Republic Square, Prague New Town)
Kateřina Finková: Předběžná zpráva o výsledcích místopisného studia domů v areálu bývalých kasáren na Náměstí Republiky v Praze 1.

Petr Juřina: Hybernská Street in the Prague New Town – a communication preceding the town foundation?

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