FUMA 2015

Invitation (pdf)
Application for papers (doc)

The company ARCHAIA Brno o. p. s. has pleasure of inviting you to the 14th FORUM URBES MEDII AEVI conference titled „Markets of Medieval Towns in Central Europe“. The conference will be held on Juni 24-26, 2015 in Bratislava (Slovak). The co-organiser of this year’s conference is the The Monument Board of the Slovac Republic.

Conference topic:
„Markets of Medieval Towns in Central Europe“

Preliminary guidelines for participants:
  • Duration of particular lectures will be 20 min at the most.
  • After each block of lectures there will be time for discussion.
  • All lecturers will have the possibility of presentation on boards in vestibule.
  • Presentation devices available: data projector, slide projector, overhead projector (in case of any other devices demanded, please let us know in advance).
  • Conference languages: English, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian
  • At least one social evening (to be specified).
  • One-day excursion.
  • The paper is to be registered by May 15, 2015 at the latest.
  • Any information will be continuously updated on our web site http://www.fuma.cz
  • By Juni 10, 2015 all the participants registered will obtain detailed guidelines including the current program.
Bc. Lucie Černá
mobil: 777 239 989
e-mail: lcerna@archaiabrno.cz

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